Chair Members
Steering Committee
Prof. Warwick Bowen

University of Queensland, Australia. Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology, and leads the Quantum Optics Laboratory at University of Queensland.
Prof. Lei Jiang

Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Technology Sydney. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, National Academy of Engineering (USA), Australian Academy of Science and Academia Europaea.
Prof. Paul Mulvaney

University of Melbourne, Australia. Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Prof. Zhipei Sun

Aalto university, Finland.
Head of the Photonics Research Group at the Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering of Aalto University, Fellow Member of The Optical Society.
Prof. Anatoly Zayats

King's College London, United Kingdom. Head of the Photonics & Nanotechnology Group at King's College London, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, the Optical Society of America, SPIE and the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Prof. Laura Na Liu

University of Stuttgart, Germany. Director of the 2. Physics Institute, Fellow of Optical Society of America (2020), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2023), Fellow of American Physical Society (2023).
Local Organizing Committee

Dist. Prof. Baohua Jia
Distinguished Professor Baohua Jia is a Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Technologies (FTSE), a Future Fellow of Australian Research Council and Founding Director of Centre for Atomaterials and Nanomanufacturing (CAN) at RMIT University, Australia.

Prof. Dawei Su
Program Chair
Dawei Su is a full professor in Applied Chemistry & Environmental Science at the School of Science, STEM College, RMIT University. Prof. Su has shown himself to be extremely capable in both Teaching and Research and the interplay of theory, best practice, and experimental cutting-edge research.